History & Letter From Chairman
Our History
In January 2004, Bishop William Murphy and Superintendent of Schools Sister Joanne Callahan, having been increasingly concerned about the declining enrollment and increased financial pressure on the Catholic elementary schools located in the Diocese of Rockville Centre, decided to appoint a committee to work with a consultant in order to study the issues facing the elementary schools and make recommendations to Bishop Murphy.
One of the many recommendations from the Education Committee was to form a Diocesan education foundation that would serve as the vehicle to solicit financial support from both individuals and the Corporate community.
In March 2005, Bishop Murphy appointed Mr. Lewis Ranieri to form the foundation. Within a remarkable amount of time, Mr. Ranieri built a board of directors comprised of senior members of Diocesan administration, many prominent business people and professionals.
The name Tomorrow’s Hope was selected by Bishop Murphy and Tomorrow’s Hope was incorporated in September 2005 as a tax exempt not for profit public charity under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service. Parents seeking tuition assistance for their child can apply for aid through Tomorrow’s Hope Foundation.
In December 2019, Tomorrow’s Hope Foundation underwent restructuring and now operates on its own as opposed to a supporting organization. This new legal entity is known as “Tomorrow’s Hope Foundation II, Inc.” (THFII) THF II exists independently from the Diocese, and the majority of its members are independent of the Diocese as well. In addition, the charitable purposes of THF II have expanded to include a broader range of activities, but still continues the activities of the original Foundation.
Tomorrow’s Hope Foundation is an independent 501(c)(3) organization led by a dedicated Board of Directors, committed to making Catholic elementary education on Long Island accessible for all families.​​
For further information, please call 1-516-745-7611

A Message From Lewis S. Ranieri, Chairman

When the Most Reverend William Murphy asked me to Chair the Tomorrow’s Hope Foundation, I didn’t hesitate to say yes. Although what little available time I had was already stretched, the opportunity to champion Catholic School education was just too important to ignore.

I was honored that Bishop Murphy had entrusted me to cast a net in search of individuals that would be dedicated to our mission to ensure the academic excellence and continuance of Catholic School education on Long Island. To my joyful amazement, volunteers were jumping into the boat on their own! Never had I been part of a volunteer effort where people were so enthusiastically proactive about offering their time and talents. Evidently I wasn’t the only one who had been profoundly affected by their Catholic School education!​
A Catholic School education is an essential ingredient to one’s spiritual maturity. It serves to provide the religious foundation and moral framework that becomes the basis upon which all of life’s decisions are made. In the business community, I have often come face to face with moral dilemmas. These tests of character and self-discipline are an inescapable part of business and – if failed – can lead to ruin. I firmly believe that my Catholic family upbringing and Catholic School education instilled in me the integrity and moral grounding to pass the tests I’ve faced through the years, even long after graduation. I am forever grateful to have received a high-quality education superbly enhanced by the religious traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. I consider it both a duty and a privilege to see that Catholic education continues to serve future generations.
Lewis S. Ranieri