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An Easter message from Most Reverend Richard G. Henning

Maria DiMatteo

He is truly Risen, Alleluia!

During this blessed season of Easter, we give thanks for the gift of life and the renewal of life that the Lord offers to us by His Love and Grace.

This is a wonderful season to rejoice in the wonderous beauty of creation and in the joys of family and friendship. The Lord Jesus, Who has called us "friends," offers to us the greatest love - giving His life to set us free from sin and death. His glorious resurrection becomes our hope, our destiny, and our strength here and now. Catholic schools are a place of encounter with the Risen Lord. As the children advance in knowledge and understanding, they are drawn into friendship with the Lord Jesus. They hear His Holy Word and receive His Sacraments. They discover who God has made and called them to be in this life and in the next. Catholic schools benefit from generous faculty and staff who pour themselves into the human and faith-filled formation of young people. Parents make sacrifices to give to their children this great gift of a Catholic education. Parish communities recognize and support this critical work as well. I invite you to consider a gift to the Annual Fund at Tomorrow’s Hope Foundation to support this work and these young people who wish to know the Lord and receive a strong education. Tomorrow's Hope Foundation works ceaselessly to offer tuition assistance to families who long for a truly Catholic education for their children. This kind of aid has changed the lives of thousands of young people here on Long Island. Your contribution is more than a check; it is an expression of love for the Lord - a way to "love as we have been loved!" Thank you for your faith and generosity. May the Risen Lord bless you and yours in this Holy Season with new hope and new life. And may God bless Catholic schools and their mission of forming the family of faith that is the Catholic Church. Yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Richard G. Henning Auxiliary Bishop, Diocese of Rockville Centre Tomorrow’s Hope Foundation Member of the Board PS: Our students and Catholic schools need you. As you celebrate this Easter season, please prayerfully consider making a generous gift to Tomorrow’s Hope. You can also make your donation online at



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